Fusion of Football and Metal, that's BB-METAL!


***** April Fool Joke *****
Today BigBlue proudly announces the debut of Football Metal band "BB-METAL" to sweep over NFL.

As everyone knows, a football is made of pigskin.  "Pig God" has long been worshipped as the guardian of Football since the American Football started.  It's the best honor for football crazy that he/she is called "Pigskiner" that means an apostle of Pig God.

BigBlue has contacted BABYMETAL that received the oracle of Fox God who is a relation of Pig God.  BABYMETAL has been worldwide famous and performing as the fusion group of Idol and Metal.  BigBlue and BABYMETAL have agreed that "BB-METAL" debuts as the brother group of BABYMETAL and receive music support each other.  BB-METAL consists of three position leaders, TOMO-METAL (Offense), SHO-METAL (Defense) and GEN-METAL (Special Team).

BB-METAL released the debut singles today as same as the BABYMETAL's new songs released today.  These BB-METAL's songs are answer song against the BABYMETAL's new songs.  "JUDO" which is an answer song for BABYMETAL's "KARATE" is a support song for hard hand battles of linemen.  "THE TON" which is an answer song for BABYMETAL's "THE ONE" is created based on the word of "We are the one together we're the only one" in "THE ONE".  Total weight of eleven football players in the field is always more than one ton (1t) and keeps it even if any player is exchanged.  So the BB-METAL sings "We are the ton together we're the only ton" in an exalted style.

In addition, BB-METAL will show the first dome event in the half-time of the Week 1 game vs. Fujitsu planned in August if the game venue becomes Tokyo Dome and the Tokyo Dome accepts it.  BB-METAL will release the first album "IRON RESISTANCE" at the dome event.  This first album will include;

  • "Song 3" by GEN-METAL: to express the moment of attempting FG trial and success
  • "Catch ball if you can" by SHO-METAL: to express the critical play between pass cut and interfere on a serious match-up
  • "Fumble, Dame, Zettai" by TOMO-METAL: to express the tough sense of mission as a ball carrier
and other original songs.  Furthermore, BB-METAL plans additional Tokyo Dome event at Japan X Bowl and Rice Bowl.  If these are achieved, BB-METAL will the first metal ​band that performs "Three Time Events at Tokyo Dome" in a season.  BigBlue Fan's support to BB-METAL is highly appreciated!



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