Vice Captain #40 スタントン選手よりファンの皆様へ


[English text is followed below.]








#40 ジョン スタントン

- Vice Captain #40 Message for Fans from John Stanton - 
[English ver.]
This spring has a different feeling to it. I’ve been a member of the Big Blue now for 5 seasons and many things have changed it in that time. 

In my first season we were a team with little to no expectations, looking up to the teams at the top and wondering how they reached that level. By my third season we were a team that felt ready to summit the mountain, only to find out in the championship game that we still had a ways to go to reach our goal.

Last season was a big step for us not only because we battled every week with the best teams, but also finally I think our mentality as a team changed. 

We now were approaching each game knowing that we belonged with the best and expecting to win. Now there is another step to take, another level to reach. 

I’m excited to take on this season with my teammates, coaches, and staff members. 
As offensive leader I hope to provide a good example for my teammates through my actions and my words. I know that I can share my energy, enthusiasm, and will to win with my teammates. I will give anything required for the whatever lies on the road ahead. 

I am happy that our Captain has picked such a fitting slogan and will do my best to support him in helping our team become a dominant one.

The word dominate means to control one’s opponent through power and influence. 

To reach our championship aspirations it will require “dominant” action in all areas. From daily lifestyle, our training regime, focus level during practice, game preparation, and our desire to make history in the 2017 season.
I believe we are ready to build on the foundation we have laid over the past 5 seasons and although the journey will be a difficult one, we will succeed if we stick to the principles we have set.

To all the coaches, staff, and players of the 2017 Big Blue, I thank you for your support and cooperation and look forward to becoming the best in Japan together.

#40 John Stanton



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