


(English text is followed.)
*** これはエイプリルフール記事です / This is an April Fool joke. ***


Announcing Japanese Slogan and Logo

We have already announced that "DOMINATE!" is prepared as the 2017 team slogan.  Since this announcement, we receive a lot of reactions and comments.  One of major comments is that such English slogan may not be understandable for Japanese people.  Therefore we also prepare the Japanese slogan and corresponding logo especially for Japanese fans. 
This time, we select the following two Japanese words which are the best for expressing "DOMINATE!" in Japanese:
We think the meaning of the words is consistent with the goal and direction that "DOMINATE!" is aiming and driving, and everybody well recognizes it.  We also make the logo by combining the top Hirakana character of each word, "" and "", as shown below.  We believe that fusion of both words is clearly indicating the advanced and improved strength of the team.
We hear some people express concerns that our logo is just 90-degree turned one of the world famous sports company’s logo and our logo is also same as the famous fashion brand logo.  However, we are sure that our logo is definitely different design because ours is prepared based on Japanese Hirakana character while these companies utilize alphabet characters.  New BigBlue team goods featuring new logo will be available at the BigBlue Fan Club booth soon. Please check and purchase new goods at the game stadium.



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