Code of Conduct at Fujitsu Stadium Kawasaki


X-League 2017 Pearl Bowl games will soon started and IBM BigBlue will hold the season opening game vs BULLS Football Club on April 22nd at the Fujitsu Stadium Kawasaki  X-League has indicated the stadium rules in Japanese.  Following is the summary of the Japanese article.   Your excellent behavior according to the rules is highly appreciated to enjoy the games. 
Note: Any update in the linked Japanese article is priority to the following translated contents.  Red colored items are new ones since the first notice two years ago.
Fujitsu Stadium Kawasaki promotes an environment where guests can enjoy their gameday experience under the following rules:
  • Smoking in the stand and aisles is prohibited by the fire laws.  Smoking is allowed only in the designated areas only.  There are no ashtray even in the smoking area.  You will need your portable ashtray and use it in the designated smoking areas.
  • Only stand area is allowed to take foods or beverages. Some vending machines are available in the stadium.  
  • All of carry-in items must be secured by yourselves
  • Never block the aisles because those will be evacuation leads in emergency
  • Never stand on a seat for your safety
  • Keep clean in the stadium.  Trash boxes are available in the stadium
  • Banner and flag must be displayed within the “Approved Space” shown below.

The following items are prohibited in the stadium:
  • Use of fire or flammable material
  • Use of musical instruments, klaxons, bullhorns, whistlers or any other noisemakers except the provided material by team or cheerleaders
  • Pets
  • Video or photo shooting at aisles
  • Use of camera flash or similar lighting material while game and cheering
  • Offensive or abusive language and/or behavior
  • Unauthorized marking, painting or preparing any material on the field
  • Any action or behavior against the ordinance or public order
  • Any action or behavior to spoil the stadium supervisor or any other person, or disturb public rule or order
  • Any action or behavior which violates the city and park law determined by Kawasaki City.
The following activities require the application and approval in advance:
  • Video recording and/or photograph for commercial purpose or profit
  • Delivery or sale of foods, beverages, goods or any other material.
(As of April 5, 2017)



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